Friday, December 19, 2014

Visceral Fat – And What You Can Do About It

Visceral Fat
Visceral fat - aka abdominal fat - is not only the worst type of fat you can have but it's also the most difficult to get rid of.  Visceral fat accumulates around the middle - middle aged spread - and surrounds the organs, rather like strangling them.

People who have excessive visceral fat are opening themselves up to all sorts of health problems. Visceral fat in extreme cases can be related to a variety of health problems including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Unfortunately visceral fat takes a lot more shifting than subcutaneous fat (the fat just beneath the surface of the skin) but it can be done.

In order to remove the visceral fat from your body it will take time, effort and commitment. The three main ingredients which you need to include in your efforts to reduce the amount of visceral fat in your body are:

* Exercising the target area with crunches, sit ups etc.
* Plenty of cardiovascular activity - walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing etc.
* Enjoying a leaner, healthier diet.

Want to Burn Visceral Fat?

Why Do People Develop Visceral Fat?

People can develop this harmful fat for many different reasons like following a diet which is high in fat and sugar foods and maintaining a lifestyle which is, for all intents and purposes inactive. One problem is that people who don't get regular exercise over a prolonged period of time actually accumulate more visceral fat. Just a small amount of exercise can help to limit the speed at which this fat gathers.

There are many other factors which affect the onset of "middle age spread" - in fact one of the major clues is in the name. As people get older they lose muscle mass and have a higher overall percentage of fat in their bodies. One major effect this has is that it affects the efficiency that the body burns up calories which is another reasons why it is so easy to gain visceral fat as you get older.  The hormonal changes experienced by women going through the menopause may be another major factor - the "menopausal muffin top" springs to mind.

Even people who are considered to be within a healthy weight range may still be carrying unhealthy quantities of visceral fat.

How to Lose Visceral Fat

The only way to fight this particular battle of the bulge is by making some pretty major lifestyle changes incorporating exercise with a healthier diet.

Exercising the target areas will not help to remove the fat but will build up muscle in the area so should be a part of your routine. Things like sit-ups and crunches can help to make a difference.

Aerobic exercise is a major factor when it comes to losing visceral fat - something as simple as regular walking or jogging can help to reduce the amount of harmful visceral fat in the body.

A healthy diet which is rich in fresh vegetables and fruits as well as plenty of high fiber foods and lean meats is the final part in the puzzle.

Visceral fat is dangerous and difficult to get rid of, but it can be done with a proven weight loss supplement specifically made to burn visceral fat.

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